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Image Generation API

The tscircuit image generation API allows you to dynamically create visual representations of your circuits in various formats. This guide explains how to use the dedicated subdomains for generating SVGs, PNGs, and 3D renderings of your circuits.

Using the Official Package

The recommended way to generate image URLs is to use the official @tscircuit/create-snippet-url package:

npm install @tscircuit/create-snippet-url
# or
bun add @tscircuit/create-snippet-url

This package handles URL encoding, compression, and proper formatting:

import { createSvgUrl, createPngUrl } from '@tscircuit/create-snippet-url';

// Create a URL to view the PCB SVG
const svgUrl = createSvgUrl(
export default () => (
<board width="10mm" height="10mm">
<resistor resistance="1k" footprint="0402" name="R1" schX={3} pcbX={3} />
"pcb" // View type: "pcb", "schematic", or "3d"

// Create a PNG URL
const pngUrl = createPngUrl(
"pcb" // View type: "pcb", "schematic", or "3d"

SVG Generation API

The subdomain provides endpoints for generating SVG renderings of your circuits.

Basic Usage<type>&code=<compressed-code>


svg_typeView type: pcb, schematic, or 3dYes
codeCompressed and encoded circuit codeYes
widthWidth of the SVG in pixelsNo (default: 800)
heightHeight of the SVG in pixelsNo (default: 600)
dark_modeEnable dark mode renderingNo (default: false)
zoomZoom level for the viewNo
downloadSet to "true" to download as fileNo

Direct SVG Generation Example

import { getCompressedBase64SnippetString } from '@tscircuit/create-snippet-url';

const tscircuitCode = `
export default () => (
<board width="10mm" height="10mm">
<resistor resistance="1k" footprint="0402" name="R1" schX={3} pcbX={3} />

const compressedCode = getCompressedBase64SnippetString(tscircuitCode);
const svgUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(compressedCode)}`;

PNG Generation API

The subdomain allows you to generate PNG renderings of your circuits.

Basic Usage<type>&code=<compressed-code>


viewView type: pcb, schematic, or 3dYes
codeCompressed and encoded circuit codeYes
widthWidth of the PNG in pixelsNo (default: 800)
heightHeight of the PNG in pixelsNo (default: 600)
scaleScale factor for rendering (for high-DPI)No (default: 1)
dark_modeEnable dark mode renderingNo (default: false)
transparentUse transparent backgroundNo (default: false)
downloadSet to "true" to download as fileNo

3D Rendering API

For 3D renderings of PCBs, use the dedicated endpoints:

Basic Usage<compressed-code>


svg_typeMust be set to 3dYes
codeCompressed and encoded circuit codeYes
widthWidth of the rendering in pixelsNo (default: 800)
heightHeight of the rendering in pixelsNo (default: 600)
angleCamera angle in degreesNo (default: 45)
zoomZoom levelNo (default: 1.0)
show_componentsShow 3D componentsNo (default: true)
wireframeShow wireframe renderingNo (default: false)

Example: Embedding a 3D View

import React from 'react';
import { createSvgUrl } from '@tscircuit/create-snippet-url';

const Circuit3DViewer = ({ circuitCode }) => {
const viewerUrl = createSvgUrl(circuitCode, "3d");

return (
style={{ border: 'none' }}
title="3D Circuit Viewer"

Browser Preview

You can also use the browser preview feature:

import { createBrowserPreviewUrl } from '@tscircuit/create-snippet-url';

const previewUrl = createBrowserPreviewUrl(
"pcb" // optional view type

Code Format

The code format expected by all of these endpoints is a React component that exports a default function returning a circuit. For example:

export default () => (
<board width="20mm" height="20mm">
<resistor resistance="1k" footprint="0402" name="R1" pcbX={0} pcbY={0} />
<capacitor capacitance="10uF" footprint="0805" name="C1" pcbX={5} pcbY={5} />
<trace from=".R1 > .pin1" to=".C1 > .pin1" />

Rate Limits and Authentication

Free usage of the image generation APIs is rate-limited. For production applications, consider:

  1. Using an API key (contact support for details)
  2. Caching generated images when possible
  3. Self-hosting the rendering service for high-volume applications

Best Practices

  • Use the official @tscircuit/create-snippet-url package instead of manually constructing URLs
  • Cache images when possible to reduce bandwidth and processing overhead
  • Use appropriate image dimensions to minimize bandwidth
  • For interactive applications, use lower quality/size during manipulation, then higher quality for final rendering
  • When embedding in web applications, include width and height attributes to prevent layout shifts