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Importing from JLCPCB


JLCPCB has a massive component catalog of 3d models and footprints.

Web Import

You can import JLCPCB components on After importing the snippet, it'll be given a package name like @tsci/YOUR_NAME.CHIP_NAME and available for import from the tscircuit registry.

Step 1: Go to and press the "new" button
Step 2: Click "Import JLCPCB Component"
Step 3: Paste in the JLCPCB Part Number
You can find the JLCPCB Part Number on JLCPCB's website
An example of an imported JLCPCB component

After your component has been added to tscircuit, you can import it as a @tsci/* import like this:

import { ESP32_WROOM_32DC } from "@tsci/AnasSarkiz.ESP32_WROOM_32DC"

export default () => (
<board width="10mm" height="10mm">
<ESP32_WROOM_32DC />

CLI Import

To import using the CLI, run npm install -g easyeda. This will give you the easyeda command line tool. You can then run easyeda convert as shown below

# Convert a schematic and footprint for JLCPCB part number C46749 (NE555)
# to tscircuit component
easyeda convert -i C46749 -o C46749.tsx
easyeda convert -i C46749 -t tsx

This will create a tsx file that you can import.