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<led />


Light emitting diodes are diodes that emit light when current passes through them. They are commonly used as indicators on a circuit board such as a "power on indicator" or "data transfer in progress indicator".

export default () => (
<led name="LED1" footprint="0603" color="red" />
Schematic Circuit Preview


PropertyExample ValueDescription
colorredThe color of the LED. red LEDs are most common.
forwardVoltage1.6VThe voltage drop across the LED when forward current is applied.

Common LED Footprints

The following represent the most common footprints for LEDs based on jlcsearch, you can provide these as the footprint property to the led element e.g. <led footprint="led0603" />

Footprint~JLCPCB Popularity

Automatic Part Selection

LEDs are automatically selected according to their color and footprint using the platform parts engine