Ordering Prototypes
After you've designed your device, you can use fabrication files to get your device fully assembled.
The two most popular services for ordering prototypes are JLCPCB and PCBWay.
Uploading Fabrication Files
Most fabrication or turn-key assembly services allow you to directly upload 3 types of files:
- Gerbers
- Bill of Materials (BOM CSV)
- Pick'n'Place File (CSV)
These files are all available inside your Fabrication Files zip file when you export from tscircuit.

Assembling your own boards
It can sometimes be easier to assemble your own boards, this gives you more control over your inventory and can lower the cost of your prototypes since assembly services often have a minimum order quantity.
Even if you're assembling your own board, you should still order your PCB from a fabrication service. PCBs require a chemical etching process to do at home and it's rarely worth the hassle to do it yourself.
When you're assembling your own board, you can create a printout of your Assembly View to make it easier to place components. In an assembly view, the "pin1" location is marked with a cut corner. This can help you verify the orientation of each component as you place it.