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Footprint Elements vs Strings

When setting the footprint property for an element, you can either use footprinter strings or use the <footprint /> element and manually specify pad positions.

Footprinter strings are often quicker, more concise, and have the benefit of often mapping to a 3d model.

export default () => (
<resistor name="R1" footprint="0402" resistance="1k" pcbX={-3} />
<resistor name="R2" footprint={
<smtpad portHints={["1"]} pcbX={-0.5} shape="rect" width={0.6} height={0.6} />
<smtpad portHints={["2"]} pcbX={0.5} shape="rect" width={0.6} height={0.6} />
<silkscreenpath route={[
{x: -0.1, y: 0.2},
{x: 0.1, y: 0.2}
]} />
<silkscreenpath route={[
{x: -0.1, y: -0.2},
{x: 0.1, y: -0.2}
]} />
} pcbX={3} resistance="1k" />
PCB Circuit Preview