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<net />


The <net /> element represents a bunch of traces that are all connected. You should use nets for representing power buses such as "V5", "V3_3" and "GND"

When using a <net />, you're being less specific than

export default () => (
<capacitor capacitance="1uF" footprint="0603" name="C1" />
<net name="V5" />
<trace from="net.V5" to=".C1 .pos" />
Schematic Circuit Preview

Net Properties

Nets can have properties that will pass onto any PCB trace within them. The trace properties can be automatically used for autorouting adjustments or to validate connections (such as validating that a chip is connected to a power source)

isForPowerThe net is used to deliver power ("V5", "V3_3")
isGroundThe net is used as a ground path

Implicit Nets

If you use a net in a port or net selector e.g. "net.V5" and there is not <net name="V5" />, then you