Automatic Layout
Automatic layout is in beta! We're changing and improving the layout algorithms, if it doesn't work for you stay tuned! Many changes are on the way!
You can automatically lay out schematics and PCBs using the schAutoLayoutEnabled
Automatic Schematic Layout
Here's an example of a Pico-driven nine key keyboard with schAutoLayoutEnabled
import { SmdDiode } from "@tsci/seveibar.SmdDiode"
import { Key } from "@tsci/seveibar.Key"
import { Pico2 } from "@tsci/seveibar.pico2"
const rowToMicroPin = {
0: "GP0",
1: "GP1",
2: "GP10",
const colToMicroPin = {
0: "GP19",
1: "GP17",
2: "GP5",
export default () => (
<board width="100mm" height="100mm" schTraceAutoLabelEnabled schAutoLayoutEnabled>
<Pico2 name="U1" pcbX={-30} />
{grid({ sizeX: 3, sizeY: 3, pitch: 19.05, offset: { x: 20, y: 0 } }).map(
({ x, y, row, col }, index) => {
const schOffX = 5 + x/6
const schOffY = -y / 8
return (
<group key={`Kgroup${index}`}>
<Key pcbX={x} pcbY={y} schX={schOffX} schY={schOffY + 0.5} name={`K${index + 1}`} />
pcbY={y - 13}
name={`D${index + 1}`}
<trace from={`.D${index + 1} .pin1`} to={`.K${index + 1} .pin1`} />
from={`.D${index + 1} .pin2`}
to={`.U1 .${rowToMicroPin[row]}`}
from={`.K${index + 1} .pin2`}
to={`.U1 .${colToMicroPin[col]}`}
function grid(opts: {
sizeX: number
sizeY: number
pitch: number
offset?: { x: number; y: number }
}): Array<{ x: number; y: number; row: number; col: number }> {
const { sizeX, sizeY, pitch, offset = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = opts
const points: Array<{ x: number; y: number; row: number; col: number }> = []
const startX = (-(sizeX - 1) * pitch) / 2
const startY = (-(sizeY - 1) * pitch) / 2
for (let row = 0; row < sizeY; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < sizeX; col++) {
x: startX + col * pitch + offset.x,
y: startY + row * pitch + offset.y,
return points
Automatic PCB Layout
PCB Autolayout is not currently available but coming soon! If you're interested in PCB Autolayout you should upvote this issue on GitHub