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<capacitor />


A <capacitor /> stores electrical energy in an electric field. Capacitors are commonly used for filtering, energy storage, and timing circuits. Unlike resistors, capacitors can be polarized (like electrolytic capacitors) or non-polarized (like ceramic capacitors).

A capacitor element has two pins. Polarized capacitors must be placed with correct orientation to avoid damage.

When specifying a capacitor, you'll need to provide a footprint string (like 0402 or 0805) and capacitance value. Popular capacitor types and sizes can be found at jlcsearch.

export default () => (
Schematic Circuit Preview


A capacitor has the following pins and aliases:

Pin #Aliases (Polarized)Description
pin1pos, anode, leftThe positive terminal (required for polarized capacitors)
pin2neg, cathode, rightThe negative terminal (must be connected properly for polarized caps)

For polarized capacitors, you must connect the positive and negative pins correctly. Reversing polarity can cause capacitor failure or even explosion!


Capacitors can be configured with these key properties:

  • capacitance - The capacitance value specified as a string e.g. "100nF" or "2.2μF"
  • voltageRating - Maximum voltage the capacitor can handle e.g. "25V"
  • tolerance - Capacitance tolerance percentage e.g. "±10%"
  • temperatureCoefficient - Temperature stability specification e.g. "X7R"
  • equivalentSeriesResistance - ESR value for critical applications e.g. "0.5Ω"

Automatic Part Selection

Like resistors, tscircuit will automatically select suitable capacitor parts based on your specifications through the platform parts engine. For specialized capacitors (e.g., low ESR, high voltage), you may want to specify supplierPartNumbers explicitly.