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Autorouting API


tscircuit allows heavy customization of the autorouting process. In tscircuit you can use local or cloud autorouters, use different autorouters for different subcircuits, and disable autorouting entirely.

This page provides details on the autorouting cloud API so you can import your own cloud autorouter.

Using Custom Autorouters

Here's an example of how a customer autorouter can be configured with tscircuit:

export default () => (
serverUrl: "",
serverMode: "job",
inputFormat: "simplified",
<chip name="U1" footprint="soic8" pcbX={5} pcbY={0} />
<trace from=".U1 > .pin1" to=".R1 > .pin1" />
PCB Circuit Preview

The Autorouter Object

The autorouter object is used to configure the autorouter. The following properties are supported:

  • serverUrl: The URL of the autorouter server.
  • serverMode: [job]( or solve-endpoint
  • inputFormat: The format of the input to the autorouter server.

Input and Output Formats

Simplified Input/Output

The simplified input format is simple to build an autorouter for. It contains a JSON object with the desired connections to make and the obstacles the algorithm must avoid to solve the routing problem.

When using the simplified input format, the /autorouting/jobs/create and/or /autorouting/solve endpoint must accept a input_simple_route_json file with the following interface:

interface SimpleRouteJson {
layerCount: number
minTraceWidth: number
obstacles: Obstacle[]
connections: Array<SimpleRouteConnection>
bounds: { minX: number; maxX: number; minY: number; maxY: number }

interface Obstacle {
type: "rect"
layers: string[]
center: { x: number; y: number }
width: number
height: number
connectedTo: string[]

interface SimpleRouteConnection {
name: string
pointsToConnect: Array<{ x: number; y: number; layer: string }>

Here's an example of a SimpleRouteJson object:

"layerCount": 2,
"minTraceWidth": 0.2,
"obstacles": [
"type": "rect",
"layers": ["top"],
"center": { "x": 30, "y": 25 },
"width": 10,
"height": 8,
"connectedTo": ["power"]
"type": "rect",
"layers": ["bottom"],
"center": { "x": 70, "y": 25 },
"width": 12,
"height": 6,
"connectedTo": ["ground"]
"connections": [
"name": "power_net",
"pointsToConnect": [
{ "x": 10, "y": 10, "layer": "top" },
{ "x": 90, "y": 40, "layer": "bottom" }
"name": "ground_net",
"pointsToConnect": [
{ "x": 20, "y": 20, "layer": "top" },
{ "x": 80, "y": 30, "layer": "top" }
"bounds": {
"minX": 0,
"maxX": 100,
"minY": 0,
"maxY": 50

When in simplified mode you should respond with an output_simple_route_json object that adds a traces field to the original input object.

"output_simple_route_json": {
// ...the original input object fields
"traces": [
"type": "pcb_trace",
"pcb_trace_id": "trace_1",
"route": [
"route_type": "via",
"x": 45,
"y": 25,
"from_layer": "top",
"to_layer": "bottom"
"route_type": "wire",
"x": 45,
"y": 25,
"width": 0.2,
"layer": "bottom"
"route_type": "wire",
"x": 60,
"y": 35,
"width": 0.2,
"layer": "bottom"

The traces field should match this type:

type SimplifiedPcbTraces = Array<{
type: "pcb_trace"
pcb_trace_id: string
route: Array<
| {
route_type: "wire"
x: number
y: number
width: number
layer: string
| {
route_type: "via"
x: number
y: number
to_layer: string
from_layer: string

Circuit JSON Input/Output

When using inputFormat: "circuit_json" you the API must accept { input_circuit_json } and respond with PCB traces in the format { output_pcb_traces } that can be concatenated to the Circuit JSON to complete the circuit.

Choosing a serverMode

When you're implementing the autorouter API, you can choose to implement either the job API (recommended) or the solve-endpoint API. The solve-endpoint is easier because it's a single endpoint, but has many limitations because it must perform the autorouting in the lifecycle of a single request.

When defining your autorouter object, you can choose the serverMode and inputFormat to correspond to what you've implemented.

The solve-endpoint API

/autorouting/solveTakes autorouting input and returns the solved routes

solve-endpoint with simplified input

POST /autorouting/solve

"input_simple_route_json": {
// ...


"output_simple_route_json": {
// ...

solve-endpoint with circuit_json input

POST /autorouting/solve

"input_circuit_json": {
// ...


"output_pcb_traces": [
"type": "pcb_trace",
"pcb_trace_id": "trace_1",
"route": [
// ...

The job API

The job autorouting API allows you to perform long-running autorouting jobs for large circuits. When using the job API, you must use the "circuit_json" input format.

/autorouting/jobs/createCreate the autorouting job
/autorouting/jobs/getGet the status of the autorouting job
/autorouting/jobs/cancelCancel the autorouting job
/autorouting/jobs/get_outputGet the solved routes from a completed autorouting job

Here's the source code in tscircuit core where the job API is used to autoroute a circuit. You can see that each endpoint is called in order

POST /autorouting/jobs/create
"input_simple_route_json": {
// ...
"autostart": true


"autorouting_job": {
"autorouting_job_id": "1234567890",
// ...

GET /autorouting/jobs/get?autorouting_job_id=1234567890


"autorouting_job": {
"is_running": false,
"is_finished": true,
// ...

GET /autorouting/jobs/get_output?autorouting_job_id=1234567890


"autorouting_job_output": {
"output_pcb_traces": [
// ...

Additional Configuration

Additional configuration parameters can be passed to either the /autorouting/jobs/create endpoint or the /autorouting/solve endpoint to configure the autorouter.

ParameterExample ValueDescription
display_name"Nine-key Macropad"A display name for the autorouting job. Useful for debugging!
provider"freerouting"The autorouting algorithm to use
subcircuit_id"subcircuit_source_group_1"To support subcircuit autorouting, you must accept this parameter and only solve for the subset of routes within the subcircuit.