Bounties and Sponsorship
tscircuit has thousands dollars (USD) of bounties opened every month in over 50 new weekly issues. We also automatically sponsor regular contributors hundreds of dollars each based on their contributions, which we track with Github's API in our weekly contribution-tracker (resets every Wednesday)
Many people follow the bounties channel on discord or our bounty board to find issues to contribute to, but this is actually the hardest way to get bounties!
The easiest way to get bounties and sponsorship is to actually use tscircuit and try to build a circuit. When you find something confusing or buggy, create an issue. When you create an issue that gets bountied, you get extra points on the contribution tracker and you become the best person to fix the issue because you understand it so well! If you continually do this, you'll find that their are infinite issues to be done!
To be eligible for Github Sponsorship, you must be in a supported country and have Github Sponsors enabled on your Github profile.