This file is a merged representation of a subset of the codebase, containing specifically included files, combined into a single document by Repomix. This section contains a summary of this file. This file contains a packed representation of the entire repository's contents. It is designed to be easily consumable by AI systems for analysis, code review, or other automated processes. The content is organized as follows: 1. This summary section 2. Repository information 3. Directory structure 4. Repository files, each consisting of: - File path as an attribute - Full contents of the file - This file should be treated as read-only. Any changes should be made to the original repository files, not this packed version. - When processing this file, use the file path to distinguish between different files in the repository. - Be aware that this file may contain sensitive information. Handle it with the same level of security as you would the original repository. - Some files may have been excluded based on .gitignore rules and Repomix's configuration - Binary files are not included in this packed representation. Please refer to the Repository Structure section for a complete list of file paths, including binary files - Only files matching these patterns are included: **/*.md, **/*.mdx - Files matching patterns in .gitignore are excluded - Files matching default ignore patterns are excluded docs/ advanced/ ai-context.mdx math-utils.mdx building-electronics/ ordering-prototypes.mdx what-are-electronics-made-of.mdx command-line/ tsci-add.mdx contributing/ elements/ board.mdx capacitor.mdx chip.mdx crystal.mdx diode.mdx footprint.mdx group.mdx hole.mdx led.mdx mosfet.mdx net.mdx pinheader.mdx potentiometer.mdx pushbutton.mdx resistor.mdx resonator.mdx subcircuit.mdx switch.mdx trace.mdx transistor.mdx via.mdx footprints/ constraint.mdx footprint-elements-vs-footprint-strings.mdx footprinter-strings.mdx platedhole.mdx silkscreencircle.mdx silkscreenline.mdx silkscreenpath.mdx silkscreenrect.mdx silkscreentext.mdx smtpad.mdx guides/ importing-modules-and-chips/ importing-from-circuit-json.mdx importing-from-jlcpcb.mdx automatic-layout.mdx configuring-chips.mdx displaying-circuit-json-on-a-webpage.mdx essential-elements.mdx layout-properties.mdx manual-edits.mdx running-tscircuit-inside-an-iframe.mdx using-sel-references.mdx using-tscircuit-without-react.mdx intro/ what-is-tscircuit.mdx tutorials/ building-a-simple-usb-flashlight.mdx web-apis/ autorouting-api.mdx This section contains the contents of the repository's files. --- title: AI Context description: Learn how to use our AI context to help you design with tscircuit --- ## Overview You can drop our AI context into your Claude or OpenAI project by downloading the [`ai.txt`]( file and dropping it into your project. This will teach Claude and OpenAI about tscircuit so it can help you design boards or access tricky or hidden pieces of the documentation! You can also use our [Official GPT on ChatGPT]( or []( for prebuilt versions of the AI. Note: []( contains live preview for a great development experience. --- title: Math Utils --- ## Overview The `@tscircuit/math-utils` package provides a set of utilities that are commonly used in circuit design. The `@tscircuit/math-utils` package is generally available in any platform that uses `tscircuit`. The source code for the `@tscircuit/math-utils` package [is available here]( ## `grid` A utility function that generates a grid of cells with configurable dimensions, spacing, and positioning. Each cell contains its index, position (row/column), and coordinate points (center, top-left, bottom-right). ```tsx import { grid } from "@tscircuit/math-utils" const gridCells = grid({ rows: 3, cols: 3, width: 300, // optional height: 300, // optional xSpacing: 100, // optional, default: 1 ySpacing: 100, // optional, default: 1 offsetX: 0, // optional, default: 0 offsetY: 0, // optional, default: 0 yDirection: "cartesian", // optional, default: "cartesian" centered: true // optional, default: true }) export default () => ( { => ( ))} ) ``` The array of `GridCellPositions` contains: - `index`: Sequential cell number - `row`, `col`: Grid position - `center`, `topLeft`, `bottomRight`: Coordinate points --- title: tscircuit Units --- In tscircuit you can specify a unit explicitly with a string e.g. "0.1mm", but you can also also specify numbers without units and the unit will be inferred from [platform](../guides/, [board configuration](../elements/board.mdx), [subcircuit configuration](../elements/subcircuit.mdx) or the defaults below ## Default Units By default, tscircuit uses the following base units: | Measurement Type | Base Unit | Description | | ---------------- | --------- | ------------ | | Length | mm | Millimeters | | Time | ms | Milliseconds | | Mass | g | Grams | | Angle | deg | Degrees | | Frequency | Hz | Hertz | | Volume | ml | Milliliters | | Voltage | V | Volts | | Current | A | Amperes | | Resistance | Ω | Ohms | | Capacitance | F | Farads | | Inductance | H | Henries | Base units are chosen based on the industry convention. --- title: Designing Electronics from Scratch sidebar_position: 2 --- ## Overview Typically electronics engineers go through the following steps when designing a new electronic device. 1. Requirements Analysis 2. System Diagramming 3. Schematic Capture 4. PCB Layout 5. Ordering ## Requirements Analysis This stage is all about making sure you have a clear idea of what the device should do. Your development and cost preferences are a huge factor here. 1. What should the device do? 2. How much power is needed? 3. How much processing power do I need? 4. Do I want to run linux, MicroPython, or low-level C code? Do I even need to run code? 5. How much does cost matter? 6. Should I use only parts available from turn-key manufacturers like JLCPCB? ## System Diagramming In this phase we create a diagram overview of the system and how things connect together abstractly 1. What components should I use? 2. How do things connect together at a high level? The system diagram can instantly communicate how your design works to others. ### System Diagram Example 1: Bluetooth Humidity and CO2 Sensor Here's an example of a system diagram for a simple IoT device that takes humidity and CO2 measurements and can communicate them via bluetooth.
System Diagram Example 1
System Diagram Example 1
## Schematic Capture In this phase we create a schematic diagram of the system and how things connect together. 1. Using reference designs, datasheets or pre-made modules, create all the elements of the circuit in tscircuit 2. Run design checks to make sure the circuit is hooked up correctly In this phase you should create chip modules or [import third party chips](../guides/importing-modules-and-chips/importing-from-jlcpcb.mdx) as you build up your circuit. You shouldn't be configuring chips in the same file that connects all your chips together- give each chip it's own module. After the schematics look good, you can export to a readable netlist and upload the netlist to AI tools like OpenAI O1 to get a review and make sure everything is connected properly! This is also a good stage to get your schematic reviewed by your team members. ## PCB Layout In this phase we create a layout of the circuit on a PCB. tscircuit automatically autoroutes the circuit for you, but you may still need to "drag'n'drop" components in the PCB viewer to the locations you want them to be in. Use [manual editing](../guides/manual-edits.mdx) to drag'n'drop components on the PCB. ## Ordering In this phase we order the PCB from a manufacturer. Typically this is done by downloading [Fabrication Files](../guides/ and "dragging and dropping" them into a manufacturer's website. Sometimes you'll want to assemble the PCB yourself (or sometimes just a single component that your manufacturer doesn't have!). In this case, you'll need a lab setup to facilitate soldering. Check out our guide on [Ordering Prototypes](./ordering-prototypes.mdx) to learn more.
--- title: Ordering Prototypes sidebar_position: 4 --- ## Overview After [you've designed your device](./, you can use [fabrication files](../guides/ to get your device fully assembled. The two most popular services for ordering prototypes are [JLCPCB]( and [PCBWay]( ## Uploading [Fabrication Files](../guides/ Most fabrication or turn-key assembly services allow you to directly upload 3 types of files: - Gerbers - Bill of Materials (BOM CSV) - Pick'n'Place File (CSV) These files are all available inside your [Fabrication Files zip file](../guides/ when you export from tscircuit.
Many fabricators allow you to directly drop fabrication files on their website!
## Assembling your own boards It can sometimes be easier to assemble your own boards, this gives you more control over your inventory and can lower the cost of your prototypes since assembly services often have a minimum order quantity. Even if you're assembling your own board, you should still order your PCB from a fabrication service. PCBs require a chemical etching process to do at home and it's rarely worth the hassle to do it yourself. When you're assembling your own board, you can create a printout of your Assembly View to make it easier to place components. In an assembly view, the "pin1" location is marked with a cut corner. This can help you verify the orientation of each component as you place it.
--- title: What are electronics made of? sidebar_position: 1 --- ## Overview In this tutorial, we're going to be talking about the different elements that make up a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). For each element, we'll show different ways that the element can be represented in tscircuit. ## What is copper? Why are PCBs green? Copper is a conductive material that's used on a PCB to make an electrical connection between chips. A PCB is mostly made up of fiberglass with a small layer of precisely etched copper. The fiberglass is non-conductive and often coated with non-conductive green "soldermask" to cover parts of the copper that aren't meant to be connected to chips.
AI Generated PCB Image
An AI-generated PCB image. All the yellow parts represent copper, while the green parts represent fiberglass with a green soldermask
A PCB can be thought of as a bunch of "printed" copper separated by fiberglass sections that "insulate" or don't conduct electricity. We "glue" (solder) chips to the copper "pads" to add them to the circuit. ## What are PCB layers? When you print on a piece of paper, you can print "single-sided" or "double-sided", PCBs can also be printed singled-sided or double-sided! The "front" of the PCB is called the "top" layer, and the "back" of the PCB is called the "bottom" layer. We can "print" copper to each of these layers to draw lots of wires and connect lots of chips. Sometimes a wire needs to "go over"/"go under" another wire because the wires aren't allowed to cross. When this happens, we can use the "back" or "bottom layer" of the PCB to draw the wire so that the wires don't accidentally touch. ## Vias Vias are holes that connect different layers of PCB. Let's say you have a chip on the top layer of a PCB and the back layer of a PCB. How can you connect them? The copper on the top needs some way to "pass through" to the bottom layer. This is where vias come in. A via is a hole that is "filled with copper" so that the top layer can pass to the bottom.
Vias connect different layers of a PCB
( ) `} /> ## Plated Holes A plated hole is similar to a via but it's hollow so that you can push metal pins through it. This is important for chips that have big pins that need to fit into holes. Chips with big pins that must go through holes are called "through-hole" chips, and chips with small pins are called "surface-mount" chips. ( ) `} /> ## Unplated Holes "Regular Holes" Unplated holes or "regular holes" are just holes in the printed circuit board without any copper around them. They don't electrically connect anything, but can be very helpful for mounting the printed circuit board. ( ) `} /> ## Traces Traces are the wires that connect the components on a PCB. They are made of copper and mostly covered by green soldermask so that they don't accidentally conduct to each other if something conductive like a wire or piece of metal falls across them. We represent traces in PCB viewers with different colors depending on what layer they fall on. In tscircuit, traces are always autorouted, so you don't need to tell it which path to take- it'll automatically find one that makes sure it doesn't cross any other traces. Traces allow chips to "talk" to each other and for power to be shared across all chips. ( ) `} /> ## What are inner layers? Inner layers are layers of PCB that aren't visible, they're sandwiched on the inside. Sometimes this is useful when you have a lot of wires to connect and it's almost impossible to stop them from crossing each other.
Inner layers
Inner layers are layers of PCB that aren't visible, they're sandwiched on the inside. Excellent image from pcbway
--- title: tsci add --- `tsci add` is the same as `npm add` or `bun add`, but defaults to the tscircuit registry. If your project has the [tsci `.npmrc`](../web-apis/, you can just do `bun add @tsci/.` and it has the same effect. ``` > tsci add seveibar/PICO_W # Added @tsci/seveibar.PICO_W@0.0.1 ``` You can then import the module and use it for your board! ( ) `} /> --- title: tsci dev sidebar_position: 2 --- `tsci dev` runs a web server that lets you see a preview of your electronics in your web browser. After you run `tsci dev` you should see a preview of your entrypoint file in your web browser on https://localhost:3020 ![tsci dev result](../../static/img/tsci-dev.png) ![browser](../../static/img/pcb-runframe.png) --- title: tsci export --- ## Overview `tsci export` can be used to convert a `tsx` file or `circuit.json` file into schematic PDFs, fabrication files, gerbers, pick'n'place files, netlists and many more formats. --- title: tsci init --- --- title: tsci login sidebar_position: 1 --- `tsci login` allows you to login to the tscircuit registry. You don't need to login to tscircuit to use any tools, but logging in does enable the following great features: - Cloud Autorouting (`autorouter="auto-cloud"`) - Package Management (publishing and automatic bundling) :::info You don't need a tscircuit account to download and use other people's packages ::: `tsci login` will take you to a login page where you'll sign in with Github. After the login flow you'll have have token on your machine that authenticates you to publish packages or use the cloud autorouter. ## Logout To logout again, just run `tsci logout` ## Other Auth Functions Run `tsci auth --help` to see other auth functions, such as printing your token for use with the [Registry API](../web-apis/ --- title: Bounties and Sponsorship --- tscircuit has thousands dollars (USD) of bounties opened every month in over 50 new weekly issues. We also automatically sponsor regular contributors hundreds of dollars each based on their contributions, which we track with Github's API in our weekly [contribution-tracker]( (resets every Wednesday) Many people follow the [bounties channel on discord]( or our [bounty board]( to find issues to contribute to, but **this is actually the hardest way to get bounties!** **The easiest way to get bounties and sponsorship is to _actually use tscircuit and try to build a circuit_.** When you find something confusing or buggy, create an issue. When you create an issue that gets bountied, you get extra points on the contribution tracker and you become the best person to fix the issue because you understand it so well! If you continually do this, you'll find that their are infinite issues to be done! To be eligible for Github Sponsorship, you must be in a supported country and have Github Sponsors enabled on your Github profile. --- title: Getting Started as a Contributor sidebar_position: 1 --- tscircuit is a great project to contribute to if you're familiar with Typescript and React. tscircuit is composed of over 200 repositories, but every project uses [bun](, so make sure to install bun before you start contributing. To contribute to tscircuit, you need to make [Pull Requests]( from a fork of a repository. ## Before You Start 1. Make sure bun is installed on your system 2. Make sure you've signed up at []( and have followed a tutorial in the docs to create a circuit board ## Recommended Contribution Order We recommend the following order for contributing to tscircuit. Contributing to repositories in this order will make sure you have a good understanding of the tscircuit ecosystem. If you're not able to find an issue in the repo, ask on discord! Maintainers often forget to create issues even though there are many problems they need solved! ## 1. [tscircuit/schematic-symbols]( Difficulty: ⭐ (easy) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is a large repository of schematic symbols, you can view the [symbols here]( ![Schematic Symbols Project](../../static/img/symbols.png) We also have a [video tutorial]( for contributing to this project! ## 2. [tscircuit/footprinter]( Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (medium) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is a project that generates the "footprint" where a chip is placed on a circuit board from a string. For example, you might turn the string "quad24" into the image below: ![Footprinter Project](../../static/img/footprinter.webp) Here's the [video tutorial for contributing to footprinter]( ## 3. [tscircuit/cli]( Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (medium) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is the main development tool for tscircuit. It provides a local development server and package management. The CLI is what you use when you run `tsci dev` or `tsci init`. ## 4. []( Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (medium) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is the main website for tscircuit, it features an editor for circuit boards! You should try it at [](! There are a lot of issues in this repo, ## 5. [circuit-to-svg]( Difficulty: ⭐⭐ (medium) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is a library that converts [Circuit JSON]( into SVG files. We use this all over the place, including in almost all of our tests! ## 6. [tscircuit/core]( Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐ (hard) · [Issues]( · [Repo]( [![GitHub issues](]( This is the core library that powers tscircuit. It contains all the logic for converting React components into circuit boards, schematics and PCBs. The core library is written in Typescript and uses React. It's a great project to contribute to if you want to learn about how tscircuit works under the hood. Here's a [video tutorial for contributing to core]( --- title: Overview of Projects sidebar_position: 2 --- | Repo | Description | Open Issues | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [tscircuit/core]( | Core library that powers tscircuit, handles conversion of React components into circuit boards | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/schematic-symbols]( | Library of schematic symbols used across tscircuit | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/footprinter]( | Generates PCB footprints from string descriptions | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/circuit-to-svg]( | Converts Circuit JSON into SVG files | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/]( | Main website and circuit board editor | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/cli]( | Main development tool for tscircuit, provides local development server and package management | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/runframe]( | React component to preview and run tscircuit circuits | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/pcb-viewer]( | React component for viewing PCBs | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/3d-viewer]( | React component for viewing 3D previews | [![GitHub issues](]( | | [tscircuit/easyeda-converter]( | Command line utility for converting JLCPCB footprints to tscircuit | [![GitHub issues](]( | --- title: The Contributor Handbook --- We have some important patterns that make contributing to tscircuit more consistent, we document these in [our handbook repo]( Here are a couple of really important ones: 1. [Use Yalc]( - tscircuit uses many repositories so it can be hard to test different repositories interacting. 2. [Code Styles]( - tscircuit has some consistent code patterns we use in every project. This makes the code more universally understood. Definitely note the banned words section! Read the [full handbook here]( --- title: sidebar_position: 1 --- The `` element is a root element that contains all the chips and traces to create a PCB. You can think of a `` like a `` element in HTML. Everything goes in a board! ( ) `} /> ## Board Properties ### Customizing the Size of the Board Generally you'll use the `width` and `height` properties to define the size of the board. ### Setting the `autorouter` Boards or [subcircuits](./subcircuit.mdx) can specify what autorouter should be used to route any traces within them. Usually you'll want to use an autorouter preset: - `autorouter="auto"` - Uses the [platform configuration](../guides/ For this defaults to `sequential-trace`. - `autorouter="sequential-trace"` - Iterate over each trace and use tscircuit's fast built-in autorouter. This method is fast and deterministic but often fails with over 50 traces. - `autorouter="auto-local"` - Use the platform configuration, but only route locally (do not make API calls) - `autorouter="auto-cloud"` - Use the platform configuration for For complex boards with over 50 traces, you should use `autorouter="auto-cloud"` to take advantage of tscircuit's cloud autorouters, which internally use the popular [freerouting]( library. You can also specify a custom autorouter object to use your own autorouter. ( ) `} /> Learn more about [the Autorouting API here](../web-apis/autorouting-api.mdx) ### Custom Board Outlines You can specify a custom outline for your board by passing an `outline` prop. The PCB you get will have this outline cut out, this is great when you want a board that's not a rectangle! ( ) `} /> ## Flexible PCBs :::info Interested in flexible PCBs? Upvote [this issue on Github](! ::: --- title: sidebar_position: 3 --- ## Overview A `` stores electrical energy in an electric field. Capacitors are commonly used for filtering, energy storage, and timing circuits. Unlike resistors, capacitors can be polarized (like electrolytic capacitors) or non-polarized (like ceramic capacitors). A capacitor element has two pins. Polarized capacitors must be placed with correct orientation to avoid damage. When specifying a capacitor, you'll need to provide a footprint string (like `0402` or `0805`) and capacitance value. Popular capacitor types and sizes can be found at [jlcsearch]( ( ) `} /> ## Pins A capacitor has the following pins and aliases: | Pin # | Aliases (Polarized) | Description | | ---------- | ------- | ----------- | | pin1 | pos, anode, left | The positive terminal (required for polarized capacitors) | | pin2 | neg, cathode, right | The negative terminal (must be connected properly for polarized caps) | :::warning For polarized capacitors, you must connect the positive and negative pins correctly. Reversing polarity can cause capacitor failure or even explosion! ::: ## Specifications Capacitors can be configured with these key properties: - **capacitance** - The capacitance value specified as a string e.g. `"100nF"` or `"2.2μF"` - **voltageRating** - Maximum voltage the capacitor can handle e.g. `"25V"` - **tolerance** - Capacitance tolerance percentage e.g. `"±10%"` - **temperatureCoefficient** - Temperature stability specification e.g. `"X7R"` - **equivalentSeriesResistance** - ESR value for critical applications e.g. `"0.5Ω"` ## Automatic Part Selection Like resistors, tscircuit will automatically select suitable capacitor parts based on your specifications through the [platform parts engine](../guides/ For specialized capacitors (e.g., low ESR, high voltage), you may want to specify `supplierPartNumbers` explicitly. --- title: sidebar_position: 1 --- The `` is the most common and most powerful built-in tscircuit element. You can represent virtually any "single-part" electronic component with ``, it is extremely flexible. ## Simple Chips Here's an example of typical `` usage. We specify a footprint string and the pin labels that should be used for the schematic representation. { return ( ) } `} /> ## Customizing the Schematic Representation You can alter how a chip appears on the schematic by using the `schPinArrangement` , `schPinStyles` and `schWidth` properties. ### `schPinArrangement` `schPinArrangement` controls the arrangement of the pins on the schematic box representing the chip. You can use this to group similar pins together e.g. to group GPIO pins together. :::note `schPortArrangement` was renamed to `schPinArrangement` in 2025. ::: ( ) `} /> You can also place pins on the top or bottom of the schematic box. ( ) `} /> ### `schPinStyles` `schPinStyles` controls the style of the pins on the schematic box ( ) `} /> ### Custom Footprints Often you will have a chip that you want to carefully specify the position of each pad, plated hole, silkscreen line or other PCB element. To do this, just insert a `` component instead of string for the `footprint` prop. Here's an example of a chip with a custom footprint: ( } schPortArrangement={{ leftSide: { direction: "top-to-bottom", pins: [1, 3], }, rightSide: { direction: "bottom-to-top", pins: [4, 2], }, }} /> ) `} /> For more information about custom footprints, check out the [ element](./footprint.mdx) ### Internally Connected Pins Some chips, such as a standard 4 pin pushbutton, have pins that are internally connected. This can be useful to represent for simulation or to enable omitting pins from a schematic. ( ) `} /> :::note You may not want to do this for power or ground pins on boards where you're expected to connect the pins specifically externally. For example, if you have several V5 pins that each need a decoupling capacitor, it would be better to manage the connections explicitly with traces (perhaps using `maxTraceLength`!) even if they are internally connected. ::: ### Externally Connected Pins To indicate that pins should be externally connected, you can use the `externallyConnectedPins` props. Just like the `internallyConnectedPins` prop, this is an array of arrays of pin labels, where each sub-array represents a group of pins that should be connected together. ( ) `} /> ## Specifying the Manufacturer Part Number or Supplier Part Numbers tscircuit will attempt to find matching parts based on the `manufacturerPartNumber` and `footprint` that was provided. If you know the exact part from your supplier you'd like to use, you should set the `supplierPartNumbers` property as shown below: { return ( } cadModel={{ objUrl: "", rotationOffset: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, positionOffset: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, }} schPinSpacing={0.75} schPortArrangement={{ leftSide: { direction: "top-to-bottom", pins: [1], }, rightSide: { direction: "bottom-to-top", pins: [2], }, }} /> ) } `} /> If you don't specify `supplierPartNumbers`, tscircuit will automatically scan for in-stock parts and select a chip using vendor APIs in the Cloud API using the [platform parts engine](../guides/ ### Supported Suppliers The following are the supported supplier keys. The list is [maintained here]( and you can [request additional suppliers by creating an issue]( Available supplier keys: - jlcpcb - digikey - mouser - macrofab - pcbway - lcsc You can also insert custom keys for your organization and they will be copied to the output [Circuit JSON]( ## Type-safe Chips: Custom Component Hooks Component hooks are a great way to improve type safety and simplify the usage of your component. A component hook is created with the `createUseComponent` from `tscircuit` and returns a hook that when used, will generate a component with properties for each pin label. ```tsx import { createUseComponent, type CommonLayoutProps } from "tscircuit" interface Props extends CommonLayoutProps { name: string } const pinLabels = { pin1: "VCC", pin2: "DISCH", pin3: "THRES", pin4: "CTRL", pin5: "GND", pin6: "TRIG", pin7: "OUT", pin8: "RESET" } as const export const A555Timer = (props: Props) => ( ) export const use555Timer = createUseComponent(A555Timer, pinLabels) ``` :::warning Make sure to have `as const` when you're defining your `pinLabels`, if you're missing this the types won't work! ::: When you use Component Hooks, you get better type checking in your component usage because all the pin labels are now available on the component! ```tsx import { use555Timer } from "./a555timer" import { usePowerRegulator } from "./power-regulator" export default () => { const U1 = use555Timer("U1") const M1 = usePowerRegulator("M1") return ( ) } ``` ## Importing Chips from JLCPCB, KiCad or Circuit JSON There are a lot of ways to import a chip configuration, each with their own guide! This is often much easier and reliable than configuring a chip yourself. - [Importing Components from JLCPCB](../guides/importing-modules-and-chips/importing-from-jlcpcb.mdx) - [Importing Components from KiCad](../guides/importing-modules-and-chips/ --- title: sidebar_position: 7 --- ## Overview A crystal oscillator provides a stable clock signal essential for timing applications and microcontroller operations. ( )`} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | Example | | ---------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | | `frequency` | number or string | The operating frequency of the crystal oscillator. | `16e6` or `"16MHz"` | | `loadCapacitance`| number or string | The load capacitance required for stable operation. | `18pF` | | `pinVariant` | PinVariant (optional) | Optional property to select a pin configuration variant if multiple options exist. | `"2pin"` | --- title: --- ## Overview Diodes are semiconductor devices that allow current to flow primarily in one direction, making them ideal for rectification, signal clipping, and protection against reverse voltage. They are essential in power supply circuits and for protecting sensitive components from voltage spikes. ( ) `} /> In this example, the diode is placed on a board using the default footprint "smd-diode". ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | Example | | ---------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ------- | | `forwardVoltage` | `number` | The forward voltage drop of the diode. | `0.7V` | ## Pins Diodes have two pins: - `pin1`/`anode`/`pos` - The positive terminal where current enters. - `pin2`/`cathode`/`neg` - The negative terminal where current exits. --- title: --- ## Overview Within a `` element you can define PCB elements such as [``](../footprints/platedhole.mdx) or [``](../footprints/smtpad.mdx). Here's an example of a chip with a custom footprint: ( } schPortArrangement={{ leftSide: { direction: "top-to-bottom", pins: [1, 3], }, rightSide: { direction: "bottom-to-top", pins: [4, 2], }, }} /> ) `} /> --- title: --- ## Overview A group is the basic container element that can contain other elements. By default, a group doesn't have any effect on the circuit. ( ) `} /> ## Moving multiple components via a `` `` elements can be used to move multiple components at once. In the example below every schematic symbol inside the `` will be moved 5mm to the right and 3mm up. ```tsx ``` We can similarly use a `` to move multiple PCB elements at once: ```tsx ``` --- title: --- ## Overview A hole can be used for mounting and doesn't have any conductive properties, for a hole with a conductive ring of copper see [``](../footprints/platedhole.mdx). Holes do not have a schematic representation. Holes can be used inside of a [``](./footprint.mdx) or as a standalone element. ( )`} /> --- title: --- ## Overview Light emitting diodes are [diodes](./diode.mdx) that emit light when current passes through them. They are commonly used as indicators on a circuit board such as a "power on indicator" or "data transfer in progress indicator". ( ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Example Value | Description | | ---------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `color` | `red` | The color of the LED. `red` LEDs are most common. | | `forwardVoltage` | `1.6V` | The voltage drop across the LED when forward current is applied. | ### Common LED Footprints The following represent the most common footprints for LEDs based on [jlcsearch](, you can provide these as the `footprint` property to the `led` element e.g. `` | Footprint | ~JLCPCB Popularity | | --------- | ------------------ | | `led0603` | 37% | | `led0805` | 23% | | `led1206` | 10% | | `led0402` | 4% | ## Automatic Part Selection LEDs are automatically selected according to their color and footprint using the [platform parts engine](../guides/ --- title: --- ## Overview A MOSFET or "metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor" is a type of transistor that is used to control the flow of current through a circuit. ( ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Description | Example | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `channelType` | The type of channel the MOSFET has (`n`, `p`) | `"n"` | | `mosfetMode` | The mode of the MOSFET (`enhancement`, `depletion`) | `"depletion"` | --- title: sidebar_position: 6.5 --- ## Overview The `` element represents a bunch of traces that are all connected. You should use nets for representing power buses such as "V5", "V3_3" and "GND" When using a ``, you're being less specific than ( ) `} /> ## Net Properties Nets can have properties that will pass onto any PCB trace within them. The trace properties can be automatically used for autorouting adjustments or to validate connections (such as validating that a chip is connected to a power source) | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | `isForPower` | The net is used to deliver power ("V5", "V3_3") | | `isGround` | The net is used as a ground path | ## Implicit Nets If you use a net in a [port or net selector](../guides/ e.g. `"net.V5"` and there is not ``, then you --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to create a male or female pin header with configurable spacing and number of pins. ## Example ( ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Default | Description | |----------|------|---------|-------------| | pinCount | number | (required) | Number of pins in the header | | pitch | number \| string | "2.54mm" | Distance between pins | | schFacingDirection | "up" \| "down" \| "left" \| "right" | "right" | Direction the header faces in schematic view | | gender | "male" \| "female" | "male" | Whether the header is male or female | | showSilkscreenPinLabels | boolean | false | Whether to show pin labels in silkscreen | | doubleRow | boolean | false | Whether the header has two rows of pins | | holeDiameter | number \| string | "1mm" | Diameter of the through-hole for each pin | | platedDiameter | number \| string | "1.7mm" | Diameter of the plated area around each hole | | pinLabels | string[] | undefined | Labels for each pin | | facingDirection | "left" \| "right" | "right" | Direction the header is facing | | x | number | 0 | X position of the component | | y | number | 0 | Y position of the component | | rotation | number | 0 | Rotation of the component in degrees | | id | string | auto-generated | Unique identifier for the component | --- title: --- ## Overview A potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. You can also attach two terminals to create a variable resistor. ( ) `} /> ## Variants (two or three terminals) The `` element can be configured with two or three terminals using the `pinVariant` prop. | Pin Variant | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | `two_pin` | Two terminals | | `three_pin` | Three terminals | ( ) `} /> --- title: --- ## Overview Pushbuttons a common type of switch normally open momentary switch. They are commonly used as a reset or pairing button. ( ) `} /> ## Pins | Pin | Aliases | Description | | ------- | -- |----------- | | `1` | `side1` | One of the left side pins | | `2` | `side1` | One of the left side pins | | `3` | `side2` | One of the right side pins | | `4` | `side2` | One of the right side pins | :::info The pins are internally connected, so you only need to connect one of the left or right pins. ::: ## Example: A small keyboard grid of pushbuttons ( {grid({ rows: 3, cols: 3, }).map((cell) => ( ))} ) `} /> --- title: sidebar_position: 2 --- ## Overview A `` is an extremely common element of electronic designs. It limits the flow of electricity and is critial to making sure digital signals are properly "pulled up" or "pulled down" to set their default value as `1` or `0` A resistor element has two pins and is non-polar, meaning it doesn't matter if you place it on backwards (it resists electricity identically either way!) When specifying a resistor, you'll usually want to give it a footprint string such as `0402` or `0603` to indicate it's size. You can see the most popular resistor sizes for different power ratings at [jlcsearch]( ( ) `} /> ## Pins A resistor has the following pins and aliases | Pin # | Aliases | Description | | ---------- | ------- | ----------- | | pin1 | left, pos | The left side pin in normal orientation | | pin2 | right, neg | The right side pin in normal orientation | :::note For convenience, you can use the `pos` and `neg` aliases for the resistor. This can help to remember which pin is which for the purpose of pulling up or pulling down a signal, but the resistor is non-polar so `pos`/`neg` are meaningless. ::: ## Tolerances Resistors can be made to different tolerances. In particular, you might care about the following resistor characteristics: - **tolerance** - a percentage given with a string, e.g. `tolerance="5%"`. This specifies how accurate the resistance needs to be - **powerRating** - a wattage e.g. "5W" indicating how much power can transfer through the resistor for normal operation - **temperatureOperatingRange** - a string indicating the listed range for the resistor's operating temperature `"-15F-150F"` ## Automatic Part Selection You generally don't need to specify `supplierPartNumbers` with a resistor, tscircuit will use the [platform parts engine](../guides/ to automatically search vendors for a part matching your tolerances. --- title: --- ## Overview Resonators are common components used to provide a stable frequency reference for circuits. They are often used in clock circuits or as a timing element. ( ) `} /> --- title: --- ## Overview A `` is a powerful organizational element in tscircuit that represents a collection of elements that are tightly coupled. Subcircuits are often used for a small functional block, such as a voltage regulator. Within a subcircuit, you can have a custom autorouter or isolated nets from the larger circuits. You can also re-use reference designators. Your subcircuit is essentially isolated from other subcircuits. ( ) `} /> ## Re-using Reference Designators Re-using reference designators is typically considered a bad practice, but in tscircuit reference designators are intelligently prefixed prior to being written on the silkscreen. This means that you can design your subcircuits without worrying about whether or not a reference designator has been previously used. ( ) `} /> ## Configuring the Autorouter Subcircuits can have a custom autorouter configuration. This will be inherited by any children subcircuits. To specify a custom autorouter configuration, just set the `autorouter` property on a `` element. ```tsx {/* ... */} ``` Specifying custom autorouter settings for subcircuits can be extremely useful when you have a tricky section of components that have special requirements. Read more about [the autorouter prop here](./board.mdx#setting-the-autorouter). --- title: --- ## Overview A switch is a mechanical device that can be used to connect or disconnect a circuit. ( ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | `type` | `"spst"` \| `"spdt"` \| `"dpst"` \| `"dpdt"` | The type of switch | | `isNormallyClosed` | `boolean` | Whether the switch is normally closed | ## Types of Switches | Type | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | `spst` | Single Pole Single Throw - The simplest switch type with one input and one output | | `spdt` | Single Pole Double Throw - One input that can be connected to either of two outputs | | `dpst` | Double Pole Single Throw - Two separate inputs each connecting to their own output | | `dpdt` | Double Pole Double Throw - Two separate inputs that can each connect to either of two outputs | ( ) `} /> ## When to use `` vs `` You should always use `` or any more specific switch element when possible. `` is a more generic element with less defaults. --- title: sidebar_position: 5 --- ## Overview The `` element represents an electrical connection between two or more points in your circuit. Traces can connect components, nets, or specific pins on components. ## Basic Usage Here's a simple example connecting two components: ( ) `} /> ## Trace Properties | Property | Description | Example | | -------- | ----------- | ------- | | `from` | Starting point of the trace using a [port selector](../guides/ | `".R1 > .pin1"` | | `to` | Ending point of the trace using a [port selector](../guides/ | `".C1 > .pin1"` | | `maxLength` | Maximum length the trace can be (optional) | `"10mm"` | | `minLength` | Minimum length the trace must be (optional) | `"5mm"` | | `width` | Width of the trace (optional) | `"0.2mm"` | ## Connecting to Nets Traces can connect to named nets like power and ground: ( ) `} /> ## Autorouting Traces are automatically routed by tscircuit's [autorouting system](./board.mdx#setting-the-autorouter). The autorouter will: 1. Find a path between components that doesn't intersect other traces 2. Use vias to change layers when needed 3. Respect any length constraints specified 4. Try to minimize the number of vias used You can customize the autorouting behavior by setting the `autorouter` property on the parent [``](./board.mdx) or [``](./subcircuit.mdx). ## Length Constraints Sometimes you need traces to be exactly a certain length, like for high-speed signals. You can use `maxLength` and `minLength`: ( ) `} /> ## Differential Pairs For high-speed signals, you often need pairs of traces to have matched lengths. You can use the `differentialPairKey` property to group traces: :::info The `differentialPairKey` property is in beta and not available on all autorouters yet! ::: ( ) `} /> The autorouter will ensure both traces in the pair have the same length. ## Net vs Direct connections There are generally two ways that traces are represented on a PCB "Rats Nest" or on a schematic and they have very different results: - **Net** - A trace that connects a net to a component pin. - `` - **Direct** - A trace that connects two component pins directly. - `` When you specify a trace with a net, the autorouter will look for the best place to tie into the net. This means you're not specifying the exact location where the trace will go. When using net connections we use a Rats Nest on a PCB view or a net label on a schematic view. When you see a dotted line on a Rats Nest, you should think of it as a _possible_ connection point, but not necessarily the final place where the autorouter will connect to the net. --- title: --- ## Overview A transistor is a three-terminal semiconductor device that can amplify or switch electronic signals. It is a fundamental component in many electronic circuits, including amplifiers, oscillators, and digital logic gates. ( ) `} /> There are different types of transistors, so where possible you should use the most specific element to represent your use case - [``](./transistor.mdx) - Generic transistor - [``](./mosfet.mdx) - MOSFET transistor ## Properties | Property | Description | Example | | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | `type` | The type of transistor (`npn`, `pnp`, `mosfet`, `igbt`, `jfet`) | `"npn"` | --- title: --- ## Overview A via is a plated hole that connects different layers of a PCB. Vias are commonly used to route traces between layers and for thermal management. Vias do not have a schematic representation. You generally do not need to manually create vias, they will be handled automatically by the [autorouter](./board.mdx#setting-the-autorouter). ( )`} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Default | Description | |----------|------|---------|-------------| | fromLayer | string | "top" | Starting layer for the via | | toLayer | string | "bottom" | Ending layer for the via | | holeDiameter | number \| string | "0.4mm" | Diameter of the plated hole | | outerDiameter | number \| string | "0.8mm" | Outer diameter of the copper annular ring | | x | number | 0 | PCB X position of the via | | y | number | 0 | PCB Y position of the via | --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to enforce geometric relationships between different elements in a PCB footprint. Constraints can set specific distances and alignments, such as center-to-center, edge-to-edge, or ensuring two elements line up along the same axis. Below is a reference example that demonstrates how constraints are used within a footprint. This example is part of a test suite to validate that a KeyswitchSocket component is correctly flipped when placed on different layers of a board. ( {/* */} } /> ) export default () => ( ) `} /> ## Key Constraints Summary - ``: Defines a constraint based on the center positions of two elements. - ``: Sets a fixed distance between the edges of two elements. - ``: Ensures that multiple elements share the same Y coordinate. Use these constraints to help align footprint elements consistently across your designs. --- title: Footprint Elements vs Strings sidebar_position: 1 --- When setting the `footprint` property for an element, you can either use [footprinter strings](./footprinter-strings.mdx) or use the [``](../elements/footprint.mdx) element and manually specify pad positions. Footprinter strings are often quicker, more concise, and have the benefit of often mapping to a 3d model. ( } pcbX={3} resistance="1k" /> ) `} /> --- title: Footprinter Strings sidebar_position: 2 --- ## Overview You can quickly specify the footprint and 3d model for any element by setting the `footprint` property to a string. import FootprintPreview from "@site/src/components/FootprintPreview" ## dip Dual in-line package. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `p` | `"2.54mm"` | Pitch. Space between pins | | `id` | `"1mm"` | Inner diameter (hole diameter) of plated holes | | `od` | `"1.5mm"`| Outer diameter (copper diameter) of plated holes | | `w` | `"300mil"` | Distance between columns | | `wide` | `false` | Wide DIP style (600mil between columns) | | `narrow` | `true` | Narrow DIP style (300mil between columns) | ## axial Basic through-hole “axial” resistor or diode footprint. Examples: - `axial` - `axial_p0.1in` `axial` parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `p` | `"2.54mm"` | Pitch. Space between pins | | `id` | `"0.7mm"` | Inner diameter (hole diameter) of plated holes | | `od` | `"1mm"` | Outer diameter (copper diameter) of plated holes | ## 0402 Standard imperial 0402 package. `1.0mm × 0.5mm` ## 0603 Standard imperial 0603 package. `1.6mm × 0.8mm` ## 0805 Standard imperial 0805 package. `2.0mm × 1.2mm` ## 1206 Standard imperial 1206 package. `3.2mm × 1.6mm` ## 1210 Standard imperial 1210 package. `3.2mm × 2.5mm` ## soic Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC) footprint. **Parameters:** | Parameter | Default | Description | |---------------|------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `num_pins` | `8` | Number of pins in the package. | | `w` | `"5.3mm"` | Overall package width. | | `p` | `"1.27mm"` | Pin pitch (center-to-center distance between adjacent pins). | | `pl` | `"1.0mm"` | Pin length. | | `pw` | `"0.6mm"` | Pin width. | | `legsoutside` | `false` | If true, positions pins outside the package body; otherwise, pins are inset. | --- ## bga Ball Grid Array (BGA) footprint. **Parameters:** | Parameter | Default | Description | |-------------|---------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `num_pins` | `64` | Total number of solder balls. | | `grid` | _calculated_ | Grid dimensions as an object (e.g. `{ x: N, y: N }`). If unspecified, a square grid is assumed. | | `p` | `"0.8mm"` | Ball pitch: center-to-center distance between adjacent balls. | | `w` | _none_ | Package width (optional). | | `h` | _none_ | Package height (optional). | | `ball` | _none_ | Ball diameter (optional). | | `pad` | _none_ | Pad size for each ball (optional). | | `tlorigin` | `false` | Use top-left numbering for balls. | | `blorigin` | `false` | Use bottom-left numbering for balls. | | `trorigin` | `false` | Use top-right numbering for balls. | | `brorigin` | `false` | Use bottom-right numbering for balls. | | `missing` | `[]` | List of balls to omit (by number or position) to accommodate design needs. | ## tssop Thin-Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP) footprint. Default configuration is 6.1mm width with 0.65mm pitch. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `8` | Number of pins in the package | | `w` | `"6.1mm"` | Overall package width | | `p` | `"0.65mm"` | Pin pitch (center-to-center distance between adjacent pins) | | `pw` | _calculated_ | Pin width (calculated from pitch if not specified) | | `pl` | _calculated_ | Pin length (calculated from pin width if not specified) | ## stampboard A breakout board with configurable pins on all sides. Can include inner holes for mounting. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `w` | `"22.58mm"` | Board width | | `h` | _calculated_ | Board height (calculated from number of pins if not specified) | | `left` | `20` | Number of pins on left side | | `right` | `20` | Number of pins on right side | | `top` | `2` | Number of pins on top side | | `bottom` | `2` | Number of pins on bottom side | | `p` | `"2.54mm"` | Pin pitch | | `pw` | `"1.6mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"2.4mm"` | Pin length | | `innerhole` | `false` | Whether to include inner mounting holes | | `innerholeedgedistance` | `"1.61mm"` | Distance of inner holes from edge | ## stampreceiver Similar to stampboard but with modified pad dimensions for receiving a stampboard component. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `w` | `"22.58mm"` | Board width | | `h` | _calculated_ | Board height (calculated from number of pins if not specified) | | `left` | `20` | Number of pins on left side | | `right` | `20` | Number of pins on right side | | `top` | `2` | Number of pins on top side | | `bottom` | `2` | Number of pins on bottom side | | `p` | `"2.54mm"` | Pin pitch | | `pw` | `"1.6mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"3.2mm"` | Pin length | | `innerhole` | `false` | Whether to include inner mounting holes | | `innerholeedgedistance` | `"1.61mm"` | Distance of inner holes from edge | ## hc49 Standard HC49 crystal footprint. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `p` | `"4.88mm"` | Pin pitch | | `id` | `"0.6mm"` | Inner diameter of plated holes | | `od` | `"1.2mm"` | Outer diameter of plated holes | | `w` | `"5.6mm"` | Package width | | `h` | `"3.5mm"` | Package height | ## to92 TO-92 transistor package footprint, available in triangular or inline arrangements. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `p` | `"1.27mm"` | Pin pitch | | `id` | `"0.72mm"` | Inner diameter of plated holes | | `od` | `"0.95mm"` | Outer diameter of plated holes | | `w` | `"4.5mm"` | Package width | | `h` | `"4.5mm"` | Package height | | `arrangement` | `"triangular"` | Pin arrangement, either "triangular" or "inline" | ## to220 TO-220 package footprint with configurable number of pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `3` | Number of pins (specify using format "to220_N") | | `p` | `"5.0mm"` | Pin pitch | | `id` | `"1.0mm"` | Inner diameter of plated holes | | `od` | `"1.9mm"` | Outer diameter of plated holes | | `w` | `"13mm"` | Package width | | `h` | `"7mm"` | Package height | ## ssop Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP) footprint. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `8` | Number of pins in the package | | `w` | `"3.9mm"` | Overall package width | | `p` | `"1.27mm"` | Pin pitch (center-to-center distance between adjacent pins) | | `pw` | _calculated_ | Pin width (calculated from pitch if not specified) | | `pl` | _calculated_ | Pin length (calculated from pin width if not specified) | ## sop8 8-pin Small Outline Package (SOP) footprint. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `8` | Fixed at 8 pins | | `w` | _inherited_ | Overall package width | | `p` | _inherited_ | Pin pitch | | `pl` | `"1.5mm"` | Pin length | | `pw` | `"0.6mm"` | Pin width | ## qfp Quad Flat Package (QFP) footprint with configurable number of pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `32` | Total number of pins (must be divisible by 4) | | `body_size` | `"7mm"` | Size of the package body (square) | | `p` | `"0.8mm"` | Pin pitch (center-to-center distance between adjacent pins) | | `pw` | `"0.25mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"0.6mm"` | Pin length (exposed pad length) | ## qfn Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) package footprint with configurable number of pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `20` | Total number of pins (must be divisible by 4) | | `body_size` | `"4mm"` | Size of the package body (square) | | `p` | `"0.5mm"` | Pin pitch (center-to-center distance between adjacent pins) | | `pw` | `"0.25mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"0.4mm"` | Pin length (exposed pad length) | ## sot23 Small Outline Transistor (SOT-23) footprint with 3 pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `3` | Fixed at 3 pins | | `body_size` | `"2.9mm"` | Size of the package body | | `p` | `"0.95mm"` | Pin pitch | | `pw` | `"0.4mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"0.6mm"` | Pin length | ## sot23_5 Small Outline Transistor (SOT-23-5) footprint with 5 pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `5` | Fixed at 5 pins | | `body_size` | `"2.9mm"` | Size of the package body | | `p` | `"0.95mm"` | Pin pitch | | `pw` | `"0.4mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"0.6mm"` | Pin length | ## sot223 Small Outline Transistor (SOT-223) footprint with 4 pins. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | `4` | Fixed at 4 pins | | `body_size` | `"6.5mm"` | Size of the package body | | `p` | `"2.3mm"` | Pin pitch | | `pw` | `"0.7mm"` | Pin width | | `pl` | `"0.8mm"` | Pin length | ## pinrow Row of pins suitable for male or female pin headers. If `_male` or `_female` is specified the 3d model will update accordingly. Parameters: | Parameter | Default | Description | |-----------|---------|-------------| | `num_pins` | | Number of pins | | `p` | `"2.3mm"` | Pin pitch | | `id` | `"1mm"` | Inner diameter | | `od` | `"1.5mm"` | Outer diameter | | `male` | `true` | Male header | | `female` | `false` | Female header | --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to represent a plated through hole on a PCB. ( } /> ) `} /> ## Plated Hole Shapes There are 3 types of plated holes: - `circle` - A circular plated hole - `oval` - An oval plated hole - `pill` - A pill-shaped plated hole (rounded rectangle) Each shape has different properties ## Properties | Property | Shape | Description | | ------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | holeDiameter | circle | The diameter of the inner hole | | outerDiameter | circle | The diameter of the outer copper pad | | innerWidth | oval, pill | The width of the inner hole | | innerHeight | oval, pill | The height of the inner hole | | outerWidth | oval, pill | The width of the outer copper pad | | outerHeight | oval, pill | The height of the outer copper pad | | portHints | all | Array of port names that this hole connects to | | pcbX | all | X position of the hole center on the PCB | | pcbY | all | Y position of the hole center on the PCB | | name | all | Optional name identifier for the plated hole | --- title: --- ## Overview Silkscreen circles are often used to indicate "pin1" on a chip. ( ) `} /> --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element creates a line on the silkscreen layer within a footprint. ( ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Description | |----------|----------------------------------------------------| | `x1` | X coordinate of the starting point | | `y1` | Y coordinate of the starting point | | `x2` | X coordinate of the ending point | | `y2` | Y coordinate of the ending point | | `strokeWidth` | Stroke width of the line | Feel free to experiment with different coordinate values to see how the silkscreen line is rendered. --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to define a custom drawn path on the silkscreen layer. It supports the following properties: - route: an array of coordinate objects (each with x and y) that define the path. - strokeWidth: defines the width of the path's stroke. ( } pcbX={-15} /> ) `} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | | ----------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | route | Array | An array of objects containing x and y coordinates to define a path. | | strokeWidth | String | The width of the drawn path. | Feel free to experiment with different routes and strokeWidth values. --- title: --- ## Overview Silkscreen rectangles can be used to encapsulate a rectangular area around a chip ( ) `} /> --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to add text to the silkscreen layer within a PCB footprint. ( )`} /> ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | |-----------------|--------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `text` | string | The text string to display. | | `anchorAlignment` | enum | Alignment of the text. One of "center", "top_left", "top_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_right". Defaults to "center". | | `font` | enum | Optional. The font type, e.g. `"tscircuit2024"`. | | `fontSize` | length | Optional. The size of the font. | --- title: --- ## Overview The `` element is used to represent a surface mount pad. ( } /> ) `} /> ## SMT Pad Shapes There are 3 main types of smtpads: - `rect` - A rectangular pad - `circle` - A circular pad - `pill` - A pill-shaped pad Each smtpad shape has different properties ## Properties | Property | Shape | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | width | rect, pill | The width of the pad | | height | rect, pill | The height of the pad | | radius | circle, pill | The radius of the pad (for circle) or corner radius (for pill) | | ccwRotation | rect | Counter-clockwise rotation angle in degrees | | portHints | all | Array of port names that this pad connects to | | pcbX | all | X position of the pad center on the PCB | | pcbY | all | Y position of the pad center on the PCB | | layer | all | Which layer the pad is on ("top" or "bottom") | --- title: Importing from Circuit JSON --- ## Overview You can import [Circuit JSON]( into tscircuit components. Circuit JSON is normally an output of tscircuit code, but sometimes it can be a helpful intermediate format so is used to generate tscircuit code. ## via Web :::note TODO we're still writing this section! ::: ## via CLI :::note TODO we're still writing this section! ::: ## Programmatically Converting Circuit JSON to tscircuit code You can use the [circuit-json-to-tscircuit]( module to programmatically convert circuit json into tscircuit code. --- title: Importing from JLCPCB sidebar_position: 2 --- ## Overview JLCPCB has a massive component catalog of 3d models and footprints. ## Web Import You can import JLCPCB components on []( After importing the snippet, it'll be given a package name like `@tsci/YOUR_NAME.CHIP_NAME` and available for import from the tscircuit registry.
Step 1: Go to `` and press the "new" button
Step 2: Click "Import JLCPCB Component"
Step 3: Paste in the JLCPCB Part Number
You can find the JLCPCB Part Number on JLCPCB's website
An example of an imported JLCPCB component
After your component has been added to tscircuit, you can import it as a `@tsci/*` import like this: ```tsx import { ESP32_WROOM_32DC } from "@tsci/AnasSarkiz.ESP32_WROOM_32DC" export default () => ( ) ``` ## CLI Import To import using the CLI, run `npm install -g easyeda`. This will give you the `easyeda` command line tool. You can then run `easyeda convert` as shown below ``` # Convert a schematic and footprint for JLCPCB part number C46749 (NE555) # to tscircuit component easyeda convert -i C46749 -o C46749.tsx easyeda convert -i C46749 -t tsx ``` This will create a `tsx` file that you can import.
--- title: Importing from KiCad sidebar_position: 3 --- ## Overview You can import KiCad components or projects into tscircuit. To import from KiCad, you should understand the different file formats KiCad uses: - Files for KiCad components - `kicad_mod` - PCB footprint file for a single component - `kicad_sym` - Schematic symbol file for a single component - Files for KiCad projects - `kicad_pro` - KiCad project file - `kicad_pcb` - KiCad PCB board file - `kicad_sch` - KiCad Schematic board file :::info We're still building KiCad import directly into, stay tuned for when that's available! ::: ## Importing KiCad Components Currently the easiest way to import KiCad components is to go to []( and upload your `kicad_mod` and/or `kicad_sym` file. ### Importing KiCad Components using the CLI Using tscircuit's [open-source KiCad component converter](, we can convert KiCad files on the command line. First install the component converter: ```bash npm install -g kicad-mod-converter ``` Next, run the following command to convert your KiCad files: ```bash # Convert a directory ./my-footprints.pretty to a tscircuit project kicad-mod-converter convert-kicad-directory --input-dir ./my-footprints.pretty --output-dir ./my-tscircuit-footprints ``` ### Importing KiCad Components Programmatically ```bash bun add kicad-mod-converter ``` ```tsx import { parseKicadModToCircuitJson } from "kicad-component-converter" import { readFileSync } from "node:fs" const fileContent = readFileSync("SW_SP3T_PCM13.kicad_mod") const circuitJson = await parseKicadModToCircuitJson(fileContent) /* [ * { * "type": "pcb_smtpad", * "x": 0.345, * ... */ ``` [Circuit JSON]( can then be converted into regular tscircuit modules using [circuit-json-to-tscircuit]( --- title: Automatic Layout --- :::warning Automatic layout is in beta! We're changing and improving the layout algorithms, if it doesn't work for you stay tuned! Many changes are on the way! ::: You can automatically lay out schematics and PCBs using the `schAutoLayoutEnabled` and `pcbAutoLayoutEnabled` props. ## Automatic Schematic Layout Here's an example of a Pico-driven nine key keyboard with `schAutoLayoutEnabled`: ( {grid({ sizeX: 3, sizeY: 3, pitch: 19.05, offset: { x: 20, y: 0 } }).map( ({ x, y, row, col }, index) => { const schOffX = 5 + x/6 const schOffY = -y / 8 return ( ) } )} ) function grid(opts: { sizeX: number sizeY: number pitch: number offset?: { x: number; y: number } }): Array<{ x: number; y: number; row: number; col: number }> { const { sizeX, sizeY, pitch, offset = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = opts const points: Array<{ x: number; y: number; row: number; col: number }> = [] const startX = (-(sizeX - 1) * pitch) / 2 const startY = (-(sizeY - 1) * pitch) / 2 for (let row = 0; row < sizeY; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < sizeX; col++) { points.push({ x: startX + col * pitch + offset.x, y: startY + row * pitch + offset.y, row, col, }) } } return points } `} /> ## Automatic PCB Layout :::warning PCB Autolayout is not currently available but coming soon! If you're interested in PCB Autolayout you should [upvote this issue on GitHub]( ::: --- title: Configuring Chips sidebar_position: 1.5 --- import ChipPage from "../elements/chip.mdx" --- title: Displaying Circuit JSON on a Webpage --- [Circuit JSON]( is a universal intermediary format for representing an electronic circuit. It contains PCB, Schematic, 3D, Bill of Materials and simulation information. tscircuit code always converts into Circuit JSON, which can be displayed in any of our React components :::tip You can also upload your Circuit JSON to []( for a quick preview! ::: ![Circuit JSON Pipeline](../../static/img/circuit-json-explain.png) ## React: Display all available previews with `` The `` component is a simple way to display all available previews for a Circuit JSON array. You can use it by installing the `@tscircuit/runframe` package and importing it into your `React` project. ```tsx import { CircuitJsonPreview } from "@tscircuit/runframe" import { renderToCircuitJson } from "lib/dev/render-to-circuit-json" export default () => ( , )} /> ) ``` You should see something like this: ![RunFrame Preview](../../static/img/runframe-example.png) For more examples and usage, check out the [runframe repo]( and the [examples directory](! :::info Have tscircuit code and want to skip converting to Circuit JSON? Try using the `` component directly to build your circuit in the browser! ::: ### React: Running tscircuit code in the browser (no Circuit JSON needed!) The `` component is a simple way to run tscircuit code in the browser. RunFrame loads the tscircuit runtime (and all the dependencies to build Typescript code) into a WebWorker and runs the code in the background. To use RunFrame, you must provide a `fsMap` object. This object maps file paths to file contents. Files inside this "filesystem map" can import each other, this is super useful when you have many files to import such as a `manual-edits.json` file! ```tsx import { RunFrame } from "@tscircuit/runframe" export default () => ( ) `, }} entrypoint="main.tsx" /> ) ``` You can see different examples of how RunFrame looks for different circuits on the [RunFrame online examples page]( `` automatically handles imports from the tscircuit registry ## Displaying Circuit JSON without React Are you interested in this? Please [upvote this issue]( so we can prioritize it! --- title: Essential Elements sidebar_position: 1 --- ## Overview There are some essential elements you'll need for almost every circuit you make, this doc gives a brief overview of each of them so you can jump right in and get started building electronics! | Element | Description | | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [``](../elements/board.mdx) | The root element of a circuit, defines the size of the board and settings like the autorouting method that should be used | | [``](../elements/chip.mdx) | A packaged integrated circuit (IC). | | [``](../elements/trace.mdx) | Represents a connection between different chips. | | [``](../elements/led.mdx) | Light emitting diode, a small light often used to represent power or status indicators | | [``](../elements/resistor.mdx) | Resists the flow of electrical current. | | [``](../elements/capacitor.mdx) | Stores electrical charge. Often used to smooth out voltage fluctuations. | | [``](../elements/diode.mdx) | Allows current to flow in one direction. | ## The Essential Elements ### [``](../elements/board.mdx) The `` element is the root container for your circuit, similar to how `` works in HTML. Every circuit needs a board! You can customize the size using `width` and `height` props, or even create custom board outlines for non-rectangular shapes. ( )` } /> ### [``](../elements/chip.mdx) The `` element is the most versatile component in tscircuit - it can represent virtually any packaged electronic component. You specify a footprint and pin labels, and can customize how it appears in both schematic and PCB views. Here's a simple example: ( )`} /> You can control pin arrangements, add custom footprints, specify internally connected pins, and more. The `` element is commonly used for ICs, connectors, buttons, and other discrete components. --- title: Using Layout Properties --- ## Overview There are many ways to layout your schematic and PCB with tscircuit including [automatic layout](./automatic-layout.mdx) and [manual edits](./manual-edits.mdx). In this article we'll discuss how to programmatically lay out a board using layout properties like `schX`/`schY` and `pcbX` and `pcbY` All position properties default to `mm` but you can pass a string with any distance unit. For example, `pcbX="0.1in"` is the same as `pcbX="2.54mm"`. ## PCB Layout Properties The following properties can be placed on nearly any tscircuit element to control its position on the board: | Property | Description | Example Value | | -------- | ----------- | ------------- | | `pcbX` | Set the center X position of the element | `0` | | `pcbY` | Set the center Y position of the element | `0` | | `pcbRotation` | Set the rotation of the element | `"90deg"` | Here's an example of moving a resistor with default properties versus custom layout properties: ( ) `} /> ( ) `} /> :::info To see positions and measure distances in the PCB Viewer, you can press "d" on your keyboard to toggle measurement mode.
PCB Viewer Measurement Mode
PCB Viewer Measurement Mode, press "d" to toggle when using the PCB tool
::: ## Schematic Layout Properties The following properties can be placed on a schematic element to control its position on the board: | Property | Description | Example Value | | -------- | ----------- | ------------- | | `schX` | Set the center X position of the element | `0` | | `schY` | Set the center Y position of the element | `0` | | `schRotation` | Set the rotation of the element | `"90deg"` | Here's an example of moving a resistor with default properties versus custom schematic layout properties: ( ) `} /> ( ) `} />
--- title: Manual Edits --- It can be cumbersome to programmatically define the locations of every component on the PCB and schematic, but [automatic layout](./automatic-layout.mdx) can be too uncontrolled. Manual edits allow you to use a schematic or PCB viewer to drag and drop components. :::info Are you trying to programmatically define the locations of components? Check out [using layout properties](./layout-properties.mdx) instead. ::: Every time you drag a component, a file conventionally called `manual-edits.json` is edited with your edits. This manual edits file is imported and can be given as the `manualEdits` prop to a `` or `` ## Creating Manual Edits with a GUI Each GUI features an "edit button" to turn on an editing mode. After you turn on the editing mode, you can drag and drop components and your edits will automatically edit the `manual-edits.json` file. ### Creating Manual Edits in the Schematic Viewer In the top-right corner there is a pencil edit button. This turns on the edit mode. :::note TODO insert a video here showing the manual edits in action! ::: ### Creating Manual Edits in the PCB Viewer The PCB Viewer features two edits modes: - Edit Trace Mode - Move Components Mode You can find both of them by hovering over the PCB viewer. :::note TODO insert a video here showing the manual edits in action! ::: ### Troubleshooting manual edits not being applied Usually if manual edits aren't being applied, it's because you haven't imported the `manual-edits.json` file. On the [ editor](, you'll get a warning that automatically edits your code to insert the import. If you're editing locally, add the following lines: ```tsx import manualEdits from "./manual-edits.json" export default () => ( // VVVV add this prop! {/* ... */} ) ``` If you're still not seeing your manual edits, select the `manual-edits.json` file from the tscircuit editor or find the file on your filesystem. Make sure that it changes when you drag'n'drop components. ## The Manual Edits Format The manual edits file's format is defined in [this typescript file](, it contains 3 main types of edits: - **pcb_placements** - Component positions on the PCB - **manual_trace_hints** - "Hints" indicating where PCB traces should go - **schematic_placements** - Component positions on the schematic Here's an example of a manual edits file: ```json { pcb_placements: [ { "selector": "R1", "center": { "x": 0, "y": 6.869495369849336 }, "relative_to": "group_center", "_edit_event_id": "0.037205222437411756" } ] manual_trace_hints: [] schematic_placements: [ { selector: "R1", center: { x: 5, y: 5 }, relative_to: "group_center", }, { selector: "C1", center: { x: -5, y: -5 }, relative_to: "group_center", }, ] } ``` --- title: Platform Configuration --- ## Overview The Platform Configuration allows you to change tscircuit behavior to best suite the platform the tscircuit code is running on. Some use cases: - Organizations may want to customize the cloud-autorouter to avoid sending sensitive designs outside your company - Organizations may want to use their own internal registry for importing circuits instead of []( - For [](, we configure the platform to not perform any autorouting ## Customizing the Platform All of the following features of the platform can be configured: - **partsEngine** - The engine used to automatically find parts matching component specifications - **registryApiUrl** - The registry to use, defaults to ``. See [Registry API](../web-apis/ for more details - **cloudAutorouterUrl** - The cloud autorouter to use, defaults to a tscircuit cloud service that uses freerouting - Disable specific circuit outputs to optimize build times, such as disabling autorouting ### The Default Platform The tscircuit default platform configuration sources parts from multiple vendors and uses the tscircuit backend for autorouting and `@tsci/*` imports. Current vendors used for automatic part sourcing: - [JLCPCB]( - Digikey (coming soon!) - Mouser (coming soon!) For each vendor, tscircuit populates multiple available chips. This means even if tscircuit finds parts for a vendor, you don't have to use that vendor! ## Using your Platform :::info Want more platform features? Tell us about your use case in [this GitHub Discussion!]( ::: When you initialize a `RootCircuit`, you can provide the platform configuration as the `{ platform }` parameter: ```tsx import { RootCircuit } from "@tscircuit/core" const circuit = new RootCircuit({ platform: { registryApiUrl: "", }, }) ``` This can also be provided to modules like `@tscircuit/eval` to evaluate tscircuit code: ```tsx import { CircuitRunner } from "@tscircuit/eval-webworker" import myPartsEngine from "./my-parts-engine" const circuitRunner = new CircuitRunner({ platform: { partsEngine: getMyPartsEngine, }, }) await circuitRunner.execute(` circuit.add( )`) await circuitRunner.renderUntilSettled() const circuitJson = await circuitRunner.getCircuitJson() ``` :::info Interested in running the entire tscircuit platform privately inside your company? We're happy to help! Reach out to **** ::: --- title: Port and Net Selectors --- Selectors are a string used to reference a port, net or any component. They're most commonly used in traces like this: ```tsx ``` However they can also be used anywhere where a port is referenced, for example to indicate what a capacitor should decouple or a resistor should pullup to: ```tsx ``` Selectors use the same semantics as CSS selectors: - `>` means "direct child" - `.` means "name" (in CSS, this can be any class name, but in tscircuit components are limited to a single name) - `.U1` means "something with the name `U1`" - `net.GND` means "a net with the name `GND`" ## Selectors don't cross subcircuit boundaries unless told to When a selector is specified, it's resolved relative to the subcircuit of the component where it's specified. This means within a subcircuit the selector `.U1` will match any component with the name `U1` anywhere in that subcircuit without going into other subcircuits. Subcircuits can be nested and have names, so you can use this to reference components in nested subcircuits: ```tsx {/* We must include ".S1" in the selector to select the resistor from the inner subcircuit */} ``` Because subcircuits are isolated from each other, you can re-use reference designators in different subcircuits (globally unique reference designators are generated on export) --- title: Programmatically Building Circuits --- This guide is about using tscircuit inside of scripts, APIs or inside the browser. Maybe you want to create a website that allows your users drag'n'drop to create custom electronics and turn their designs into real circuits automatically. For most users, there is no need to programmatically build circuits, you can use the [command line](../command-line/ or the [online editor](../intro/ to build and export your circuits into any supported format. If you're not using Typescript or prefer a "zero-installation" setup, you can fully build your circuits with complex parameters using the [Registry API](../web-apis/ ## Using `@tscircuit/core` directly `@tscircuit/core` is the core library for tscircuit, it converts React code into [Circuit JSON](, a universally intermediary format that represents an electronic device. Here's an example of how to use `@tscircuit/core` directly to build a circuit into Circuit JSON: ```tsx import { RootCircuit } from "@tscircuit/core" const circuit = new RootCircuit() circuit.add( ) await circuit.renderUntilSettled() console.log(circuit.getCircuitJson()) ``` This will output a long [Circuit JSON]( array that you can convert into many other formats or display directly inside a [CircuitJsonPreview](./displaying-circuit-json-on-a-webpage.mdx) component. ## Evaluating Typescript Circuits `@tscircuit/eval` can be used to evaluate Typescript/React code and automatically import modules from the tscircuit registry. ```tsx import { CircuitRunner } from "@tscircuit/eval" const circuitRunner = new CircuitRunner() await circuitRunner.execute(` import { RedLed } from "@tsci/" circuit.add( )`) await circuitRunner.renderUntilSettled() const circuitJson = await circuitRunner.getCircuitJson() // Display or convert the circuit json to any other format! ``` ### Evaluating tscircuit inside a web worker ```tsx import { createCircuitWebWorker } from "@tscircuit/eval/webworker" const circuitWebWorker = createCircuitWebWorker() await circuitWebWorker.execute(` import { RedLed } from "@tsci/" circuit.add( ) `) await circuitWebWorker.renderUntilSettled() const circuitJson = await circuitWebWorker.getCircuitJson() ``` ## Converting Circuit JSON to other formats You can convert [Circuit JSON]( to many other formats: - [Gerber files]( - [Specctra DSN Autorouting files]( - [Pick'n'Place Files]( - [PCB and Schematic SVGs]( - [Bill of Materials]( - [SPICE netlists and simulations]( --- title: Publishing Modules sidebar_position: 6 --- --- title: Running tscircuit inside an iframe --- ## Overview tscircuit can be evaluated inside an iframe. This makes it easy to embed snippets on a webpage without complex build systems. Here's an example of an iframe running a tscircuit snippet: import { TscircuitIframe } from "../../src/components/TscircuitIframe" )`, }} entrypoint="main.tsx" /> ## Running tscircuit inside an iframe To run tscircuit inside an iframe, perform the following steps: 1. Add an iframe that points to `""` 2. Listen for the `runframe_ready_to_receive` message from the iframe 3. Send the code you want to run to the iframe via `postMessage` Here's a fully working example: ```html RunFrame Host ``` ## React iframe wrapper for tscircuit An iframe wrapper is available to simplify the process of running tscircuit inside an iframe. To use it, add the `@tscircuit/runframe` package to your project and use the [`RunFrameWithIframe` component]( like so: ```tsx import { RunFrameWithIframe } from "@tscircuit/runframe/iframe" export default () => ( )`, }} entrypoint="main.tsx" /> ) ``` --- title: Understanding Fabrication Files --- ## Overview Fabrication files are files that can be uploaded to a fabricator or turn-key manufacturer to get an entire circuit board made. tscircuit includes three main types of files inside our fabrication files `zip`: - **Gerbers** These represent each copper layer of the PCB. We also include drilling holes and board cutouts - **Bill Of Materials CSV** - **Pick'n'Place CSV** These ## How to get fabrication files ### Web On the web, you can just hit "Download" on any circuit, then hit "Fabrication Files"
Online Editor Download Button
Downloading fabrication files from the online editor
### CLI You can run [tsci export ./main.tsx --to fabrication-zip](../command-line/tsci-export) to export to a fabrication files zip file containing Gerbers, Bill of Materials and the Pick'n'Place CSV. ## Uploading Fabrication Files
Many fabricators allow you to directly drop fabrication files on their website!
--- title: Using "sel" References --- The `sel` object is a special import that allows you to easily reference components with a bit more type-safety than a string. It can also be more ergonomic than typing out a [port selector](./ ( ) `} /> The `sel` can be thought of as a very large mapping of conventional strings. Here are some `sel` expressions and their corresponding string: ```tsx import { sel } from "tscircuit" sel.R1.pin1 // ".R1 > .pin1" sel.C1.pos // ".C1 > .pos" // "net.GND" sel.U1.GPIO1 // ".U1 > .GPIO1" ``` So `sel` is really just a slightly more type-safe, conventional way of writing [port selectors](./ Where possible, it's much better to use [component hooks](../elements/chip.mdx#type-safe-chips-custom-component-hooks) because they can guarantee more type-safety and have the exact pins that a chip supports. --- title: Using tscircuit without React --- {/* tscircuit uses React by default for strong guarantees about how components are imported and used, but you can also use tscircuit without react. */} :::tip If you're interested in using tscircuit without react, please let us know by [upvoting this issue!]( ::: :::info Are you interested in using tscircuit inside an iframe? Check out [this article](./running-tscircuit-inside-an-iframe.mdx) ::: --- title: Installation sidebar_position: 2 --- ## Dependencies To use tscircuit, you'll need to have [npm]( or [bun]( installed. We recommend using [bun]( for its speed and ease of use. ## Installing tscircuit To install tscircuit's command line tool, just run: ```bash npm install -g tscircuit # or bun install --global tscircuit ``` This will install a `tsci` command globally! :::info If you're using [tscircuit online](, you can skip installation. tscircuit is fully-featured and usable online! ::: You can test it out by running `tsci --help`! ```bash tsci --help Usage: tsci [options] [command] CLI for developing tscircuit snippets # Options: # -V, --version output the version number # -h, --help display help for command # Commands: # init Initialize a new TSCircuit project in the current directory # dev [options] [file] Start development server for a snippet # clone Clone a snippet from the registry # auth Login/logout # login Login to tscircuit registry # config Manage tscircuit CLI configuration # export [options] Export tscircuit code to various formats # help [command] display help for command ``` You can also run `tsci` without any arguments to start the interactive CLI. ```bash tsci # ? Choose command › # ❯ tsci init - Initialize a new TSCircuit project in the current directory # tsci dev - Start development server for a snippet # tsci clone - Clone a snippet from the registry # tsci auth - Login/logout # tsci login - Login to tscircuit registry # tsci config - Manage tscircuit CLI configuration # tsci export - Export tscircuit code to various formats ``` ### Creating a new project The easiest way to create a template project is to use `tsci init` inside a project directory. ```bash mkdir my-project cd my-project tsci init ``` This will bootstrap a fresh tscircuit project! Read more about starting the development server and exporting files in our [Quickstart CLI Guide](./ ## Installing `tscircuit` per project You can install `tscircuit` on a per-project basis by installing it as a dev dependency. ```bash npm add -D tscircuit # or bun add -D tscircuit ``` ## Next Steps Now that you've installed tscircuit, you can start developing your first electronic device! - [Quickstart CLI Guide](./ - [Understanding essential tscircuit elements](../guides/essential-elements.mdx) - [What are electronics made of?](../building-electronics/what-are-electronics-made-of.mdx) --- title: Quickstart CLI sidebar_position: 4 --- ## Install the tscircuit CLI You can install the tscircuit CLI by running `npm install -g @tscircuit/cli`. ## Create a new Project First, create a new tscircuit project by running `tsci init`. This will create a new directory with all the necessary files to get started: ![tsci init result](../../static/img/tsci-init.png) ## Run the Development Server Next, start the development server by running `tsci dev`. This will start a local server that automatically rebuilds your circuit when you make changes: ![tsci dev result](../../static/img/tsci-dev.png) Go to https://localhost:3020. You'll can now see PCB, Schematic and 3D views of your circuit, which update in real-time as you make changes to your code. ![browser](../../static/img/pcb-runframe.png) ## Pushing to the tscircuit Registry This section is coming soon! ## Exporting to SVGs, PDF, or Fabrication Files This section is coming soon! --- title: Quickstart Web sidebar_position: 3 --- You can use tscircuit online without installing anything on [](! ## Using the Online Editor The [tscircuit online editor]( is a full Typescript editor with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, type-checking and tools for importing snippets and configuring chips. There are two types of projects you can create in the online editor. - **board**: a fully-functional electronic device that you can order - **module**: a reusable component, usually a specific chip or subcircuit, that you can use across many boards or to break up a complex board into smaller, more manageable pieces. To get started, let's create a simple board. You can use the "New" button on []( and select "board" to open the editor with a blank board: The editor will open with a template board that looks like this: You can now edit the board by adding or removing elements! Check out the [essential elements guide](../guides/essential-elements.mdx) to learn more about the available elements. If you've already got an idea of what you want to build, try breaking down the problem into modules using our [designing electronics from scratch guide](../building-electronics/ After you make a change, click the "Run" button to see your changes applied. You can use the PCB, Schematic, and 3D views to make sure everything is correctly aligned. When you're ready to manufacture your board, click the "Download" button to download [fabrication files.](../guides/ When you're ready to order your board, check out the [ordering prototypes guide](../building-electronics/ordering-prototypes.mdx). You can electronics fully assembled and ready to use from the many services that accept our standard fabrication files. ## Using the AI Assistant Our AI assistant is available in beta but is undergoing a big overhaul. We'll update this section when we're happy with it! --- title: What is tscircuit? slug: / sidebar_position: 1 --- tscircuit is an open-source React/Typescript electronics toolchain and ecosystem for creating, previewing, simulating and manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). React and Typescript are standard tools that revolutionized the web development ecosystem. tscircuit combines the powerful static analysis of Typescript with the modular component system of React to make developing electronics faster, easier and more automated. Here's an example of a basic tscircuit electronic device, it's the USB flashlight that we make in [this tutorial](../tutorials/building-a-simple-usb-flashlight.mdx). { const USBCPort = useUsbC("USBC") const Button = usePushButton("SW1") return (